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January AARA Newsletter

The January 2017 AARA


The Aroostook Amateur Radio Association

                                                                  January 29, 2017


January 5, 2017


Ivan Shapiro, WK1W, on-line

Mike Lawler, K0LDO, on-line

Nelson Ketch, K1ANK, on-line

Roy Woods, KB1WGN

Steven Vance, W1SPV

Steven Sandelier, N1NXU

Michelle Sandelier, XYL

James Jalbert, KC1ECV

Bryon Lennon, K1BQY

David Berry, KV1S

Jason Chasse, Guest

Darius Haskell, KC1FNL

Carl Pelletier, N1EVO

Jim Cerrato, KC5UEQ



Meeting called to order:  1805

Treasurer’s report:  Paid insurance, $425.00;  $0.14 interest.  Bank Bal. $3,159.30

Secretary’s report:   Minutes of  Nov 2016 meeting approved

EMCOMM:  ARES still has 23 members.  Had drill in Caribou at the NWS – monthly  CERT meeting/training.  Skywarn program was held.  A few members took part in the Skywarn Day event on December 2 & 3.

FIELD DAY/Public Information Officer:  Jim, KC5UEQ set up a Field Day team consisting of himself, James, KC1ECV; Steve, N1NXU; and Michelle, XYL; Boyd, KC1DRX.

Applications for Membership: -none-

President’s report: 

  • On November 7, KB1WGN; KC1ECV and WK1W demonstrated Ham radio to the students at New Sweden school.
  • Jim Cerrato KC5UEQ has reinstated his AARA membership and will continue to be PIO and head up the Field Day preparations.
  • James KC1ECV will do an encore program on programming the cheap, Chinese radios.
  • Future programs are needed. Always interested in program topics, especially if relates to Ham radio.
  • Elmering program is up and running. Posted on club website under Elmer program.
  • Encouraging everyone to try to learn CW. In these times of weak propagation, CW will get through more better.

Introduction of Guests: – Darius Haskell, KC1FNL; Carl Pelletier, N1EVO; and Jason Chasse.


Old Business: – none –


New Business:  -none-


The meeting was adjourned at:  18:24


Special Presentation:  We were given a very thorough  presentation of Reverse Beacon Network  provided by Carl Pelletier, N1EVO.  Thank you Carl.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Sandelier, N1NXU

Coming Events:

Mondays 0930 coffee @ Tim Horton’s in Caribou
Mondays 2000 Aroostook Emergency Net 146.730
Saturdays Breakfast at McDonald’s P.I. @ 0730
Thursday coffee moved to Governors in P.I. for the winter; 0900
Feb. 2nd  6:00 PM AARA meeting

AARA meeting:

The up-coming meeting of the AROOSTOOK AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION will be held at 6:00 PM (23:00 UTC) at the Presque Isle Library, this coming Thursday, February 2nd.  Several items to tell you about at this time:


  1. Executive Committee will present its slate of officers for election in March.  Please note, however, that anyone can run for any office.  Nominations can be made from the floor.


  1. Sam Barrett, W5KF, will present a program on ANDERSON POWER POLES, the recommended connectors for equipment using DC.  Emergency agencies seem to prefer these connectors, so it is a good idea for us to be compatible.


  1. Steve Sandelier will present a program on CRIMPING PL-259s on RG-8 & RG-58.


  1. Refreshments will again be provided.


Those, unable to attend in-person, can connect via:, thanks to Darren, KC1ERZ and Roy, KB1WGN.



Jan. 2017 Aroostook Amateur Radio Net
Still one more Monday left in this month so I’ll add to next month’s Newsletter.


The “Elmer Help” page on the AARA website has been updated.  Check it out if you could use some Elmering …


Derrick Ouellette Kw1a []
Looking for volunteers:


Hello guys. can you send an email to the  club and the Ares team. I’m looking for hams to help out for the Can-Am for various locations if they can help any day(or night) it is appreciated. Can-Am is March 4-6 this year and we usually have a meeting Friday the 3rd at 4 or 5 pm that last for just under an hour. If anyone is interested they can contact me directly. 


Thank a million, 




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